Yesterday, on my drive to work, a bald eagle soared across the sky, clutching a single twig in its talons. The sight stopped me in my tracks—not literally, but in that way where the world feels suddenly charged with meaning. Was there a message here? A metaphor? Could it be that – just as we draw meaning from dreams or find symbols in a story – the same is possible in the everyday occurrences of our life? What if any moment’s experience is an encounter ripe for interpretation?
24 hours later, the meaning landed. The eagle, with its white head and wide dark wings, carrying just a single stick. One stick at a time.
A great nest, capable of sheltering us through the cold winter, is built one stick at a time. The wisdom here is simple: everything I want to build in my life happens one step at a time. Equally as important, each step requires that I let go of the last one; otherwise, I end up carrying much more than a single stick.
What is your ‘one stick’ today? What small step can you take toward building your nest?
If you’re reading this, I hope you are blessed with knowing your own regal eagle. As you connect to how wide your wings can spread, may you also remember that you need only carry one stick at a time. May your nest be sturdy and ready for whatever winter may bring.
— Simon
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